Submissions – Instructions for Authors

XVII Encontro de CTDI > Chamada de trabalhos > Submissions – Instructions for Authors
XVII Conference on Sciences and Technologies of Documentation and Information

Call for Papers

The degree in Documentation and Information Sciences and Technologies (CTDI), with the support of the Centre for Organisational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto (CEOS.PP), of the Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP), is promoting, via zoom, on 14 December 2023, its 17th Meeting on the theme of “Information Evaluation in Information Science“.

The 17th Meeting of Documentation and Information Sciences and Technologies (CTDI), like previous meetings, aims to encourage theoretical and practical reflection, in a necessary and stimulating dialogue between the Academy and Information Professionals and through the sharing of good practices and new perspectives for the area. This time, the focus is on the essential evaluation of information – both paper and digital – which contributes to quality information and satisfying the information needs of internal and external users of Information Services.

Please consult the instructions for authors/registration for submission at the link below:

Or click on the “Submission” button below:


Important dates/ deadlines

  • Abstract13th November2023
  • Full text deadline: 11th December, 2023 
  • Notification of acceptance:  20th November, 2023
  • Final submission (Camera-ready): 20th November, 2023
23:59 – Lisbon time zone

Types of contributions

  • Paper

  • Poster

Languages of the Conference

This conference accepts papers and posters in portuguese or in englishPresentations can be done in any of these languages.

Instructions for authors


Paper submission

  • Paper template
  • The paper length is 5 – 10 pages (including references).
  • A paper should contain at least the sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and References.
  • Abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in the text, before being used as an abbreviation only. Please note abbreviations in the title are not alowed.
  • Avoid complex formulas. For the symbols ≤ or ≥, type instead <= or >=.
  • Tables, charts or other graphics may not be included and will be deleted by the editors.
  • Abstracts can not have more than 3500 characters and less than 900 characters, including spaces.

Poster submission

  • Size of the poster:120 cm x 90 cm. 
  • Authors must follow the conference template.

If you have any problems during the submission process or you do not receive any confirmation by email after the submission, please

Bibliography and Citation Style

APA 7th edition.


Paper presentations

  • Presentations must be delivered in portuguese or in english.
  • Each presentation is 15 minutes long (inc. Q & A session)
  • Speakers should enter the zoom room at least 30 minutes before the session starts on the day of the conference.
  • Speakers are requested to send the  presentation until one  day before the conference.
  • All speakers will be introduced to the audience by the session chair.

Poster presentation

  • The poster presentation is 10 minutes long (inc. Q & A session).
  • Speakers should enter the zoom room 15 minutes before the session.
